The ultramarathoner, who proved that with the strength of the spirit, a person survives in temperatures from -48 to +55 degrees
A never-before-seen worldwide social experiment about the changes that isolation causes in the modern man’s psyche and physique.
Prevention of digital addiction, drugs, alcohol, consumption of energy drinks by persons under 18 years of age.

Krassi Georgiev
The Experiment
The challenge that Krassi accepts is provoked by the increasingly deepening isolation of modern man, a consequence of multiple addictions, especially digital ones, as well as as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The glass cage (or glass cell) is a container placed on a structure at a height of 2.50 meters.
The container has four walls, three of which are fully glazed. A small area of it intended for natural needs remains closed. Krasi only has a mattress to sleep on and a treadmill to run on.
Non verbal communication with the outside world! Alone with himself and time in the center of the capital, Krassi will see everything happening around him, but will not come into verbal contact with anyone. His only communication with the audience will be 30-minute chat meetings every day. Periodically through the chat he will receive tasks and challenges from the audience.

The Research. Within the framework of the experiment, a team of experienced specialists will conduct in-depth initial, intermediate and final examinations of the changes occurring in Krassi’s physical and mental status as a result of his isolation.
The purpose of the experiment. By undergoing the Glass Cage trial, Krassi provides an opportunity to collect and analyze credible medical information about the negative effects of isolation. This information will be promoted and will direct the attention of the public and specialists to the close connection between isolation and addictions of a different nature – to digital devices, drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc. In order to reduce the risk of developing addictive behavior, the path goes through prevention from childhood.
It is no coincidence that in this new challenge, Krassi is raising funds for the cause „Prevention of Addictions“.
The Cause
The current project aims to implement early prevention in age groups of 11-14 years and 14-18 years, who are most vulnerable to addictions. A survey will be conducted among students, and its results will be used to develop a student education program, informational videos and a flyer with first steps to identify and prevent digital addiction, drugs, alcohol, etc. It is planned to conduct an active campaign among students, and teachers, school psychologists and parents will also be involved in it.
Main focus:
Stimulating active contact with nature regardless of the season.
Raising the awareness of teachers and school psychologists in their work on the prevention of different types of addictions.
To inform young people and their parents about the benefits and harms of using social media.
Acquainting young people with the harms of consuming energy drinks and replacing them with healthy ones.
Reducing traffic accidents and domestic violence caused by addictions.
Association MUSTART
Krassi Georgiev
Successful coach, motivational speaker, nutritionist.
The man who managed to drastically change his life more than 15 years ago through sports and nutrition.
Initiator and participant in numerous charitable causes and challenges.
Sports achievements:
A successful finish in the world’s toughest ultramarathon – „Badwater“, in Death Valley, USA, with a course 216 km long and asphalt heated to 90 degrees, on which the soles of shoes melt
Participation in the Frostskade Arctic Circle ultramarathon. Successfully completed over 60 marathons (42 km) and 30 ultramarathons (over 100 km) from the Arctic to Cambodia,
Participation in the legendary „Marathon of the Sands“ (240 km running through the Moroccan desert) and the ultramarathon „Brazil 135+“ (257 km in the jungle).
Personal record – Ultramarathon along Corridor 8 – ran 1,200 km in 15 days through three countries.
Towing a pickup truck 27.5 hours, trail running 36 hours, for a good cause.
The Experts
The team that will monitor Krassi’s mental and health condition, as well as changes in it during the course of the experiment

Todor Todorov

Vessela Petrova
Mr. Todor Todorov is a psychophysiologist and forensic scientist with many years of practical experience in the field of psychological profiling and behavioral analysis.
Dr. Vessela Petrova is a doctor in the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Clinic at the University General Hospital for Active Treatment “Aleksandrovska”

Media partner

The Spot
Park „NDK“ – Ticket Center
Association MUSTART
+359 888192022
+359 886026261